Britt appeared on 880 TheBiz, interviewed by radio man Jim Fried. The purpose was to promote Miami-Dade District of CCIM and announce upcoming events. The Miami-Dade District is one of eight
districts in the Florida Chapter. CCIM is the commercial real estate
professional designation and there are over 9,500 designees in the US.
Britt also to spoke about the Miami Children's Hospital 5K #MCH5K
walk/run to be held on September 17th in Coral Gables.
Jim and Britt also discuss Britt’s vision for the
upcoming CCIM year, what CCIM has done to help his business grow and what
social activates the CCIM’s will be participating in during 2016 and 2017.
Jim Fired on 880 The Biz interviews Britt J. Rosen, CCIM |